
Toward the Identifiability of Comparative Deep Generative Models

Deep Generative Models (DGMs) are versatile tools for learning data representations while adequately incorporating domain knowledge such as the specification of conditional probability distributions. Recently proposed DGMs tackle the important task …

Sequential optimal experimental design of perturbation screens guided by multi-modal priors

Understanding a celltextquoterights expression response to genetic perturbations helps to address important challenges in biology and medicine, including the function of gene circuits, discovery of therapeutic targets and cell reprogramming and …

Learning causal representations of single cells via sparse mechanism shift modeling

Latent variable models have become a go-to tool for analyzing biological data, especially in the field of single-cell genomics. One remaining challenge is the identification of individual latent variables related to biological pathways, more …

NODAGS-Flow: Nonlinear cyclic causal structure learning

Learning causal relationships between variables is a well-studied problem in statistics, with many important applications in science. However, modeling real-world systems remain challenging, as most existing algorithms assume that the underlying …

Large-scale differentiable causal discovery of factor graphs

A common theme in causal inference is learning causal relationships between observed variables, also known as causal discovery. This is usually a daunting task, given the large number of candidate causal graphs and the combinatorial nature of the …

Learning from eXtreme bandit feedback

We study the problem of batch learning from bandit feedback in the setting of extremely large action spaces. Learning from extreme bandit feedback is ubiquitous in recommendation systems, in which billions of decisions are made over millions of …

Decision-making with auto-encoding variational Bayes

To make decisions based on a model fit by auto-encoding variational Bayes (AEVB), practitioners often let the variational distribution serve as a surrogate for the posterior distribution. This approach yields biased estimates of the expected risk, …

Cost-effective incentive allocation via structured counterfactual inference

We address a practical problem ubiquitous in modern industry, in which a mediator tries to learn a policy for allocating strategic financial incentives for customers in a marketing campaign and observes only bandit feedback. In contrast to …

Information constraints on auto-encoding variational Bayes

Parameterizing the approximate posterior of a generative model with neural networks has become a common theme in recent machine learning research. While providing appealing flexibility, this approach makes it difficult to impose or assess structural …